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We are grateful to have you join as a member of the Fire Island Minyan! Our annual membership dues are as follows:

  • $1,800 for Fire Island Homeowners and Seasonal Renters

  • For those that are not Fire Island Homeowners or Seasonal Renters:

    • $1,000 for a family

    • $500 for an individual

Annual membership includes seating for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.



We are delighted that you joined us for Shabbat or Yom Tov services during your stay in Fire Island! We kindly recommend a suggested donation for visitors of $72 for an individual or $180 for a family. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

For those that prefer, checks may be mailed to:

Jill Shisha

Fire Island Minyan

PO Box 732

Ocean Beach, NY 11770

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